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Desktop or Laptop

Do I buy a laptop or a desktop computer for my next machine?? I am not sure if laptops are just replacing desktops and if I should just not waste my money on a desktop or if they are still better computers.? Thanks. Laptops are becoming more prevalent in the tech world today, becoming the […]

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If you have ever bought software (operating systems) online, you might be familiar with the tedious process to convert the instant .iso file into something you can use. Windows 7 is available online and has an instant download of an .iso image. An ISO image is a mirror image of the DVD but it needs […]

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DLNA and PlayTo are great features coming out in the technological world that will revolutionize the way you connect and integrate media in your life. DLNA and PlayTo(Windows 7 Feature) are essentially those fancy ways that you see in movies which allow you to send a song or a movie from your computer to your […]

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Are you experiencing a really slow start up on your Mac computer? Whether you are running Windows or Mac OS X, every computer has a list of programs that are run when your computer first boots into the desktop.? Due to this nature, the computer may start up much slower due to the large number […]

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Do you have the wuauclt.exe process hogging up tons of memory on your computer?? Are you unsure about this process and think that wuauclt.exe may be spyware or malware? Before you go off deleting this process or freaking out that you are infected with some sort of new virus, make sure you are certain that […]

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