Hi there just wondering if there is any way to determine if I have a PCI Express slot.? I am looking to upgrade my graphics cards and I wish to purchase a PCI Express one but am unsure if i have the slot for it.? Everest has told me I have 1 PCI Express x1 slot and 1 PCI Express x16 slot but i am unsure whether any are for graphics cards.

The most important part about upgrading your graphics card is making sure the card will be compatible inside your computer.? You seem to have already found the tools to check your PC slots so we can cover if you’re ready to go to the next step!

For those of our users who are a bit confused on how to check if your computer has a compatible slot, I like to recommend a program called, “Everest Free Edition.”? You can download a copy here from Major Geeks.

Run the program and look at the graphics section to see if you have a PCI-Express x16 or an AGP slot.? In your case, it seems that you have a PCI-Express x16 which is more popular and offers faster performance and a larger variety of selection.

I recommend a strong graphics card for your PC as graphics card serve as the bottleneck of your machine.

If you’re not sure if you should invest in a huge upgrade in the graphics card, let us know the rest of your computer parts and we can help determine if you’re setup is up to date and worth the extra investment right now!