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We can answer questions about spyware and malware removal, Windows operating systems, networking, computer hardware and software, consumer electronics and gadgets, or almost anything tech related. People of all abilities visit this site, so don’t worry about your questions seeming too easy, or too difficult. We’ll do our best to answer them all in a timely fashion. Need a tech expert? You’ve come to the right place!

We offer two ways to ask, and receive replies to your questions:

  1. Generally, the quickest, and surest way to receive a reply is to post your question in our message boards. Simply register now, then select an appropriate forum, click the New Topic button, ask your question, and then wait for a reply. When your topic gets a reply you’ll receive an email notification! The forums are also the best place to ask complex questions that require feedback, for example spyware removal.
  2. Or, you can ask your question using the form below. The replies for these questions will be posted on the homepage, and be available for comments, but not follow up. However, we receive far more questions than we’re able to answer using this method. Although all questions will be read, not all will receive a reply. We select only the most interesting, or most common questions submitted to address on the homepage.

Your Question:

Please use the form below to ask your question. Good questions receive better and faster replies. Please include as much information as possible to explain the problem or question.

Please note: Your question always has a much better chance of getting a reply in the forums.?

Note: By submitting a question you are also agreeing to our Terms of Use. We reserve the right to edit the question for length, reword, modify, correct or repurpose your question without limitation or constraint. This is done so the questions may be relevant and meaningful to a broader audience.