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This precedent setting ruling by Judge Neil V. Wake will provide the legal foundation for the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) to more aggressively stop individuals from distributing unauthorized copyrighted music over Peer-to-Peer networks,? said CEO & Chairman Safwat Fahmy SafeMedia Corp., Boca Raton, Fl. ?This landmark case means that anyone who has P2P […]

Announcing Windows Vista Service Pack 1 Beta

Now is the time and the time is now: let’s talk about Windows Vista Service Pack 1 (SP1). Much has been made of what will or will not be included in SP1 and when it will be released (some accurate, some otherwise). I’m here to set the story straight: we’re in the process of developing […]

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TomCoyote is now What the Tech

The site you know and love as TomCoyote.org can now be found here at WhatTheTech.com. Although it may look a little different, everything is still here. Only the name and design have changed. Your login information should also work as before, although you may have to login on your first visit to set a new […]

Spammers find new ways to slip through

Just when it appeared tech firms had the upper hand against spam, spammers have unleashed new forms of the meddlesome e-mail to trick filters. Spam in the form of popular PDF e-mail attachments and electronic greeting cards is confounding e-mail security systems and annoying consumers. The recent Storm e-mail virus and several pump-and-dump stock scams […]

The software awards scam

I put out a new product a couple of weeks ago. This new product has so far won 16 different awards and recommendations from software download sites. Some of them even emailed me messages of encouragement such as ?Great job, we?re really impressed!?. I should be delighted at this recognition of the quality of my […]

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