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Shutdown Day

It is obvious that people would find life extremely difficult without computers, maybe even impossible. If they disappeared for just one day, would we be able to cope? Be a part of one of the biggest global experiments ever to take place on the internet. The idea behind the experiment is to find out how […]

The malicious code, known as both Warezov and Stration, is similar to?an earlier version detected in February,?but with a new URL (uniform resource locator) and a new version of the malicious code, according to an alert posted Thursday by Websense Inc. Websense warns Skype users to watch for the message “Check up this,” with a […]

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The Mac OS X system is not inherently more secure than other operating systems, according to the researcher. The Unix/BSD code on which OS X is based is fairly well known, and van Oers noted that there are more than 700 pieces of malware targeting various Unix and Linux platforms. Vulnerabilities in OS X are […]

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The purveryors of malware are becoming increasingly well-organised and financed, according to vendor?Symantec‘s?Internet Security Threat Report. In the past?e-criminals made money from selling code, estiablishing botnets, or spamming, but gangs are now performing all three functions themselves to provide more co-ordianated attacks. ‘We are starting to see blended threats much more,’ said Ollie Whitehouse, researcher […]

The number of computers hijacked by malicious hackers to send out spam and viruses has grown almost 30% in the last year, according to a survey. More than six million computers world wide are now part of a “bot network”, reported security firm Symantec. Computer users typically do not know that their PC has been […]

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