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The webmasters over at the “Official Google Webmaster Central Blog” have added a “please show me some urls that Google thinks are bad”? feature. Definitely worth a read. read more | digg story

A vulnerability shared by Firefox and IE is easily demonstrated on the Windows OS. It is said not to work in Vista. The vulnerability uses a user inputed form to upload local files without permission by the user. Check if your browser is safe. read more | digg story

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Unreleased Windows Vista Wallpapers

Hamad Darwish is the Flickr photographer that was commissioned by Microsoft to shoot wallpaper photos for Windows Vista. Five of his shots shipped as wallpapers with Vista. Now, he’s released 22 additional high-resolution (1920?1200) images taken during Microsoft’s Windows Vista photoshoot that did not make the cut into Vista’s Wallpaper Collection. View: hammaddarwish.com | digg […]

Microsoft Donates to Katrina Rebuilding

NEW ORLEANS ? Feb. 26, 2007 ? The Gulf Coast region?s economic revitalization after Hurricane Katrina was boosted by an announcement today by Microsoft Corp. CEO Steve Ballmer of $1.7 million in donations of cash, software and specialized curriculum to several nonprofit partners in Louisiana and Texas. Microsoft is supporting existing local government, academic and […]

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Vulnerabilities in Windows Vista will plague users in coming months and years, a prominent security researcher warns, despite its security improvements over predecessor XP. Security bug-hunters are now turning their attention to the new platform and users should not expect Vista to be immune to attack, said Marc Maiffret, founder and chief hacking officer of […]

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