I finally just discovered the true power of YouTube and I was able to locate a bunch of Do-It-Yourself videos.  Is there anyway I can download these videos off YouTube and have them on my laptop or do I always have to be connected to watch them?  Sometimes I feel like my Internet buffer takes too long and I would like to be able to download the videos to watch offline.

YouTube has a ton of user videos that are very helpful, as you have discovered, as well as videos that are just plain keepers.  To answer your question, it is very possible to download the videos from YouTube through a couple steps.  Try this solution and you will be on your way to watching your YouTube videos offline.

The first step is to copy the link (CTRL+C) and navigate to KeepVid.  Second, paste the URL into the bar at the top and select the Download button.  It will take a second but when it loads the next page, scroll down to Download Links.  Select either the low quality or the high quality (higher quality is a larger file and will take longer to download unless you are on a faster Internet connection), I personally recommend the higher quality as the low quality is a bit to pixilated.

The video will save to your normal download location but in either in the .flv or .mp4 format.  In order to watch the video, you must have a video player that can read these extensions.  The best video player I’ve found out there is VLC Media Player- which is free!  At the download page,  choose your operating system and install.  After the program is on your machine, you should be able to double click your downloaded YouTube video and start watching it.  This time, you will not have any annoying wait for buffer and can watch the video at your own pace offline even when the Internet connection might be a bit iffy!